The village of Guimerà was declarated group historic-artistic since 1975. The authentic attractive of Guimerà is the kernel maedieval of the place, a labyrinth of streets that going’ s up to the church of Santa Maria or to the guard tower, creating an original game of architectonic forms. You’ ll can see a lot of arches, covers and stairs…and all very good conserved.
The streets of low part of the village are crosseds for bridges in covered galleries or in balconies. They are footbridge for communicate houses that they’re in one side of the street and the other side of the street.
The houses are an exit to the street for the principal entry and another superior level for the attic. Walking for they streets, they stone´s houses with dettails and decoratives elements of doors,windows and arches, you can lives times far aways.
You will travel to the s. XXI to the s. X: you will walk and you’ll can stop and to observe.